1> 3Z表示AMS与进口商发的ISF匹配
2> 2Z表示货代发的AMS HBL和船东发的AMS MBL的集装箱或货物信息不匹配
所以AMS 收到3Z通知后,再收到2Z通知是正常的。
3Z | Importer Security Filing on File | Generated
as a result of an accepted Importer Security Filing. An advisory
message indicating that the Import Security Filing has been accepted for
this shipment. |
2Z | Master/House Container Mis-Match | Generated
as a result of a comparison between the Master and House reported
containers. Those containers that exist against either the Master or
House that do not have a corresponding match will receive this message.
The container in error will be reported in the R02 Container Number
field. |
关于如何解决2Z不匹配这个问题,可以参考这个问答: AMS 2Z 是什么意思