1> 3891这个仓库类型为AW, 详情为Harbour Commission, Stevedoring companies and others Sufferance Warehouse
British Columbia | GCT Canada Limited Partnership | 2 Roberts Bank Delta V4M 4G5 | 0809 | 3891 | AW |
2> 但你这个有下层提单, 应该是拼箱的吧, 拼箱的仓库类型一般为CW的仓库Consolidator/Deconsolidator/Freight Forwarder/Customs Broker Sufferance Warehouse
3> 建议查一下在拼箱时, 是否拉到这个3891的仓库。 仓库代码查询网站 https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/codes/sw-ea-eng.html
4> emanifest仓库类型供你参考:
AA: Airline Company Sufferance Warehouse
AH: Cargo Handler Sufferance Warehouse
AM: Marine Company Sufferance Warehouse
AR: Railway Company Sufferance Warehouse
AW: Harbour Commission, Stevedoring companies and others Sufferance Warehouse
BL: Bonded Highway Carrier Sufferance Warehouse
BW: Highway Carrier Imported Goods Sufferance Warehouse
CW: Consolidator/Deconsolidator/Freight Forwarder/Customs Broker Sufferance Warehouse
PS: Private Railway Siding Sufferance Warehouse
SF: Perishable Goods Sufferance Warehouse
SH: Household Goods/Personal Effects
SL: Provincial Liquor Jurisdictions Sufferance Warehouse
SO: Other Specific Licensed Commodity Sufferance Warehouse