对于拼箱的情况, 装柜地址通常是场站; 拼箱公司通常为货代公司的信息。
对于整箱的情况, 装柜地址通常是工厂地址,或由供应商指定的地址;拼箱公司信息,这个也叫装箱公司,与装柜的公司信息一致, 备:与装柜地址可能不一样。
参考文章 进口到美国 ISF 10申报内容详解
9 Container Stuffing Location 集装箱的装柜地址
装柜地址,即在哪里将货物装进集装箱的地址。 此地址通常与制造商、工厂或供应商的一致。
Name and address(es) of the physical location(s) where the goods were stuffed into the container. For break bulk shipments, the name and address(es) of the physical location(s) where the goods were made “ship ready” must be provided
10 Consolidator (Stuffer) name/address 拼箱的公司名称和地址
拼箱公司的名称和地址,不是实际的装柜地址。 如果不是拼箱货,则可以填写制造商(工厂)或供应商的名称和地址。
Name and address of the party who stuffed the container or arranged for the stuffing of the container. For break bulk shipments, the name and address of the party who made the goods “ship ready” or the party who arranged for the goods to be made “ship ready” must be provided.If no consolidator is used, e.g., “factory load” shipments, provide the name/address of the manufacturer (supplier).