ISF 5为货物过境美国时,承运人或货代需要发送的内容如下:
1>Booking Party Name/Address 订舱方的名称和地址
3>Commodity HTS-6 Number HS商品分类代码(前六位)
4>Foreign Port of Unlading 最终目地的卸货港口代码
Name and address of the party who initiates the reservation of the cargo space for the shipment
1>CBP海关需要的是一个真实的收货方的名称和收货地址, 不是公司的地址;
Name and address of the first deliver-to party scheduled to physically receive the goods after the goods have been released from customs custody
1>CBP is looking for the actual deliver to name/address; not the corporate addres
2>May provide a FIRMS code of a warehouse or terminal if the specific ship to name/address is unknown at the time of the filing. For example, a container freight station is acceptable
3>May provide the name and address of an in-land distribution center if the specific ship to name/address is unknown at the time of the ISF filing提供美国的HS商品分类代码,原则上是提供前6位,你可也以提供完整的10位代码。 该HS商品分类代码与美国进口税率相关,所以通常由目的港提供。 你也可以自己在官网上查询HTS 代码:AMS HS CODE 美线HST税率代码
Duty/statistical reporting number under which the article is classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). The HTSUS number must be provided to the six-digit level.
Alternatively, the filer may choose to provide the HTSUS number to the 10-digit level境外卸货港口代码
Port code for the foreign port of unlading at the intended final destination
交付地的城市代码。 承运人最终交付货物的境外地点。
City code for the place of deliver.Foreign location where the carrier’s responsibility for the transport of the goods terminates